Even though for some strange reason I do not know why (blond perhaps) that I cant remember A LOT of my childhood I do remember the emotions and I always depended and counted on my parents. No matter how bad I would "F" up I knew I still would always have them. That they show me the same love that my heavenly father does. I believe that my parents will never leave me or forsake me. I dont have to give you the MANY times I KNOW I have hurt them and any other person would consider disowning me, but not my parents. They stuck with me, let me make all my own disicions but of course they always gave their insight! Which actually in the long run was exactly what I needed to hear. I may not have used it at the moment but it was definatly the tools that helped me when I was ready!
Thank you mommy and daddy for being so patient with me in my horrible teen and early 20's years! As they werent easy for me I KNOW they werent easy for you either! Thank you for putting your faith in me and waiting fo rme to blossom! I am so blessed and happy with my life now it seems like a fairy tale! Even more when we get orders to Alaska some day! But if for some crappy reson we dont, its just a few years and we will all be living by eachother again! Its not permanent! I love you guys!!
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